Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 13

At a steady gain, my Youtube channel had 66 subscribers but just dropped to 65. My new camera finally came and I shot an update video and I also shot an intro / outro for the documentary, which I plan to finish editing and upload on Saturday, May 17th. I plan to achieve my goal of 100 views by sharing on all my social media sites, as well as sharing the link with my mom so she can spread it along to her friends on Facebook. My average Polyvore follower gain is steady as usual, with 5.2k followers. My twitter has 45 followers, which I am happy about. I like this band on Youtube called TeraBrite, and their friend followed me and we’re in mutual follows, so hopefully I can also get Herb, the friend, to share it as well. My total number of followers on Tumblr is at almost 9k followers (41 away). My photo from Grace Khieu Photography recently got featured on Tumblr Radar, which gained me a little bit more than 2 times the number of followers I had before.

This project is wrapping up, and I am almost done. There were some bumps along the way, but I still attempted to make it work. I just need to finish a few things, and it’ll be over.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 12

My youtube channel has surprisingly gained more subscribers faster than expected, currently with 59 subscribers. This has surprised me because my last two videos were update videos and the most recent one was just one shot on my webcam since my camera had battery problems. I was planning on ordering a new camera last week, and itwould have come today, but the place turned out to not sell it (it was a scam), so that is a major setback for me. My Polyvore now has 5,138 followers, with a steady gain. My twitter gains haven’t been as fast as I would prefer for this project; I have 3 more than last checked, 40 followers. My total number of followers on Tumblr is almost 8.7k followers. Every 7 school days I check my audience count, and every time, it seems more and more feasible to receive the view goal that I have set for myself. One of my videos just hit 200 views, which is really exciting for me.

I am almost done editing the final product. I should be uploading in the time period between this week and next week. I was planning to shoot an introduction video for this project, but that might not end up happening because of my camera situation. I could possibly convince my mom to let me borrow her 5D Mark II, but the chances are quite low.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 11

School is wrapping up and this was one of the last days to work on the project. I made another update video, as the release date is coming up quickly.

My youtube channel now has 50 subscribers and my Polyvore has 5,090 followers, and my twitter account has 37 followers. My audience on Tumblr has grown a lot and I am almost done editing the video, and I am in the process of editing the introduction video.

I am looking forward to finishing this project as soon as I can, but I took a break from editing because I had so many tests to study for. As of right now, I have 3 different videos to stitch together and make an intro/outro of me summarizing the project and explaining what it is for.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day 10

As I wrap up my 20% project, I wanted to make an intro video on my channel to introduce the video, since it is a lot different from most of my content on my channel.

As of right now, my youtube channel has 37 subscribers and my polyvore is 7 followers away from 5,000, and my twitter account now has 31 followers. I’ve been gaining more followers on my tumblrs, and now I have ~8.4k+ followers, plus an additional ~80 people in the networks that I have joined. I am almost done editing the video, and I am in the process of editing the introduction video.

I am looking forward to finishing this project as soon as I can, since finals are coming up really quickly, I didn’t want to bombard myself with the additional stress of this project.

I am happy with all of the progress I have made previously, but I am a bit disappointed that it didn’t go as fast as I hoped it would go. I just had a lot of other projects occupying my mind recently so the editing got put off a little bit.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 9

It’s been 2 cycles since my last blog post, and during that time, I have achieved a lot, despite the fact that I am extremely busy with school, managing my social networks, and working on an additional short film project as executive producer and co-director of cinematography.

Since the last post, I started up a Youtube channel, which now has 29 subscribers. My goal of 100 views on my videos shouldn't be that hard to reach, as I have already reached them on 2 of my videos with promotion. without much promotion, my third video received 51 views, which is quite impressive, considering the view to subscriber ratio.

I also reached 27 followers on twitter, which may help a little bit. My follower count on Tumblr has reached ~8.3k+ followers. My Polyvore is extremely close to hitting 5k followers. My social media bases are growing rapidly, and I am not concerned about reaching my goal of 100 views at this point.

In terms of editing, I am working in the final touches. I don’t think it will be necessary to use Final Cut Pro to edit. The sooner I release this video, the quicker I hope I’ll be able to achieve the view goal without the extremely annoying self promotion of the video all the time. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Day 8

After reformatting my computer, everything is running much smoother. So far, I have done some basic editing by dumping the majority if  my clips into Windows Movie Maker and deleting the ones I don't need and cutting certain clips. In order to have the audio be heard in the video, I have to convert the files to .wmv files because they are .mov files right now, which are not compatible. I am using Freemake Video Converter to convert these files. After I finish editing these clips, I plan to put it into Final Cut Pro at school and add in any other advanced features, such as color editing. Although I have my mind set on a few clips of music that I want to use, I am still on the hunt for some more. To prepare for the release of the video and to help me reach my view goal, I made a twitter account to gain a generally wider fan base to make it a lot easier for me on the release date. I have a current goal of 100 views, but I personally don't think it will be that hard to get, considering that I have a total of ~12,500 followers all around. I'm also going to work on promoting my channel and hopefully produce some content on there before the release of the video.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 7

At this point, I have all my clips collected from the interview. During the interviews, it seemed to me that the common reason why the students like Cleo is that they just like dogs, and having another dog on campus is relaxing because it kind of us a temporary escape from the stress of school.
For my birthday, I got a 1 TB external hardrive, so I will be re-formatting my computer so I can have access to my video editor (it was blocked before). My computer was also running slowly. I am moving all of my old photography collections to the hard drive, and I will finally be able to weed through all my clips and put them together. I also found one or two audio clips that I want to use.
Since I already have experience editing videos, I expect that this editing process shouldn't take a lot of time.